Cantiere aperto al pubblico #01santateresa
Semana de la cooperacion internacional
Tecniche della modellazione digitale per l'architettura
Semana della cooperacion Internacional
PLEA - Archtecture in (R)evolution
Arquitectura Sostenible en proyectos de cooperación internacional
ARCò arquitectura y cooperation
Arquitectura sostenibile en lugares de conflicto
Diseno arquitectonico y costruccion in zonas de conflicto belico
La sfida del futuro: come ripartire? Dove andare?
architecture in needs contests
Autocostruzione estetica del paesaggio
TÍTULO - Building Green Schools
Relator - Diego TorrianiBREVE DESCRIPCIÓN
“Building Green Schools in the occupied Palestinian territory”Workshop Objectives:❖ Discussing the challenges of implementing Green Schools in the oPt❖ Sharing experiences and lessons learned on Green Schools’ construction especiallyin relation to bioclimatic measures and environmentally friendly materials❖ Assessing the capacities to develop Green Schools in the oPt❖ Discussing an action plan to boost the construction of Green Schools in the oPt❖ Recommending the review of actual designs’ criteria for school buildings❖ Starting the process to develop a green model for government schools that cancope with the fast development of teaching methods and green technology